Mulan (2020) is a live-action adaptation of Disney's 1998 animated film. The movie recently released on the 4th of September 2020, which at the time of writing the post is 3 past release on Disney+ streaming service. The movie plot is very concise as it features young and brave Fa Mulan (Liu Yifei), who tries to save her ailing father from serving in the Imperial Army by disguising herself as a man to battle northern invaders in China. The classic version was Disney's 36 animated feature released in 1998. The cast included just voice actors that included featured popular celebrities like Eddie Murphy, Ming-Na Wen, BD Wong, Lea Salonga and Pat Morita. The classic performed very well at the box office raking in about 305 million US dollars. The classic was directed by Tony Bancroft and Barry Cook and original story written by Robert San Souci. After 22 years Walt Disney Picture decided to reproduce a live-action copy of the classic. The cast has undergone a complete renewal as...
The entertainment industry, most notably Marvel Studios was shocked on the evening of 28th August 2020 about the death of Chadwick Boseman which was the main actor behind the major Box Office hit "The Black Panther". According to relevant sources, the 43-year-old 6 feet African-American male died in LA, California after battling with colon cancer for 4 years, which is kind of surprising because this was a major secret to most of the world and most surprising again due to the fact that he experienced the peak of his career in the last 4 years. This definitely makes him a superhero even when he's not behind the green screens. He was the true definition of a black superhero and icon for the young one to look up to. The whole cast of the MCU expresses their deep remorse to the family and with the Marvel Studios tweeting "You will always be our king". Boseman appeared in over 20 movies in the last decade and this post will go through the top 6 which will help you ge...